Environmental Surveys P&D

While we gain invaluable knowledge from consulting with local communities, we will have conducted studies and surveys to understand the locale and surrounding areas. Some of these will require desktop research while others will require surveys on the areas being considered.

The findings from these surveys have informed the development of the proposed project and will be published in our Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) as part of the NISA planning application.

Environmental Surveys & Studies

(ongoing since 2019)


Ornithology & Marine Mammal Surveys


Marine Traffic Surveys


Benthic Surveys

Marine Biological Communities

Intertidal Surveys

All marine activities


Oceanographic & meteorologocal surveys

Marine Archaeology

Location of ship wrecks and areas of marine archaeology potential

Geological Investigations

Geotechnical & Geophysical surveys


Bird Surveys


Ecological Surveys

Mammals & natural habitats

Site Investigations

Geotechnical & location of existing services

Traffic & Transport

Traffic surveys & studies


Archaeological assessments

Noise & Air Quality

Establishing baselines

© Copyright: North Irish Sea Array Ltd. 2021 - 2024

Photomontage Viewer

The location of each baseline photograph is surveyed to within 10cm of accuracy meaning the photomontages are extremely accurate in terms of location and size of the proposed turbines. These photomontages are created using an industry standard process and governed by very strict guidelines. They have also been peer reviewed as part of the proposed development’s EIA process, with no concerns regarding the validity of the photomontages.