Marine Notices & Updates

Marine Notices & Updates will be available on this page as they are published.

Please click on any image to open the notification document.

Geophysical Surveys

Maritime Usage Licence Extension Public Notice

Maritime Usage Licence Public Notice

Geophysical Survey Campaign Cable Route Area

Cable Corridor Underwater Imagery Survey

Cable Corridor Underwater Imagery Survey

Metocean Surveys (Amended)

Metocean Surveys (Amended)

Geotechnical Survey

Geotechnical Survey

Metocean Surveys

Subtidal Benthic Ecology Survey

Geophysical Surveys - Export Cable Route Area

Geophysical Surveys - Export Cable Route Area

Geophysical Surveys

Benthic Surveys

Metocean Surveys (amended)

Metocean Surveys

© Copyright: North Irish Sea Array Ltd. 2021 - 2024

Survey Effort Overview

With geophysical surveys due to commence shortly, NISA has reached a critical milestone in its development. The surveys planned will provide information which will allow the project to develop a detailed understanding of the sea bed conditions which will inform the design of the project. These surveys are due to start towards the end of May 2022 and will continue throughout June. For more information, please see Marine Notice No. 27 of 2022 through the button below.

Surveys will be subject to weather conditions and a vessel called the Mercator will use various technologies to analyse the sea-bed such as multibeam echosounders, side scan sonars, magnetometers and sub-bottom profiling. The data will be used to inform indicative turbine location and potential cable corridors. The NISA project was granted a Foreshore Licence earlier this year which allows it to gather information and undertake preliminary site investigations to understand the conditions.

Statkraft has engaged an extremely experienced survey contractor to carry out these surveys, particularly in terms of carrying out surveys whilst sharing this marine space with the existing fishing operations. Throughout the surveys, Statkraft will continue to engage all those interested in the local and surrounding communities in the area. This includes extensive engagement with local fishing groups in Howth, Clogherhead, Skerries, Balbriggan, and surrounding areas.

From the earliest stages of this project, Statkraft has been committed to developing a project which would deliver successful coexistence with fisheries and support a sustainable local fishing community. During these surveys it will continue to work proactively towards this goal and promote continued sustainable fishing in the area.

If anyone has any queries please get in touch through our Contact Page.

Photomontage Viewer

The location of each baseline photograph is surveyed to within 10cm of accuracy meaning the photomontages are extremely accurate in terms of location and size of the proposed turbines. These photomontages are created using an industry standard process and governed by very strict guidelines. They have also been peer reviewed as part of the proposed development’s EIA process, with no concerns regarding the validity of the photomontages.